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Cameron Gregory

I've often thought people look most attractive when talking about or doing something they really love. When you can see the burning fire behind their eyes. In these moments in conversation or experience, it's almost as if you see them for "who they really are", and for a moment in time you're looking into the heart of their spirit. 

I don't know if it's how I was raised, or my personality, or the way I think, but, I've always found connection with people who are deep conversationalists. I'm not a huge fan of small-talk to be honest. Don't get me wrong, I'd love getting to know you, but once I do, I think there's a mutual trust that comes where the topics of our speech escalate. Where you're not just scratching the surface anymore. No, there's more to you and I than just where we're employed, what we did yesterday at the gym, and our favorite colors. Tell me your thoughts, inquiries, and opinions.  Questions like, "What are you reading right now?". Answered with in-depth dialogue and suggestion. Let me listen to listen, not just to respond. 

I've always loved being in meetings that are geared for brainstorming. Getting ideas on the white board, hearing each other out, setting goals, and using our imaginations.  I'm a firm believer in vision-casting and journaling. Surrounding yourself with creative people who push you to grow and see beyond where you are is key to growth. 

Ever since I was a little girl,  I was always encouraged and surrounded by loved ones who let me imagine. I was often told to pay attention to the things you are naturally drawn to. To stay close to my giftings, and to always follow and stay true to my heart. 

I am so thankful for those voices of encouragement that continue to ring in my life. I know that God gives us natural giftings and talents- things that make us - unique. But I've also learned in my relationship and experience with God, that we're always growing, expanding, and learning. The truth is we constantly need to be in conversation and communion with God regarding 'vision'. He is the one who keeps us on track and focused - He is the one who refreshes, restores, and instills purpose. 

It's true, that everyday people die and are buried. People who never got a chance to share their voice or be heard. They had dreams and books and voices and talents to share, but never got around to completing them. Their ideas always seemed just out of reach. Or maybe they felt that these "ideas" were "just dreams" and nothing more. We were never meant to try and figure this life out on our own, or to be perfect. God-inspired vision bears fruit. Prayer, self-reflection, and time spent in the presence of a personal God whose loving-kindness outshines the sun - is where vision is not only formed, but also kept. He is a firm-foundation. 

Proverbs 19:21 : "Many are the plans in a person's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails."

In times of prayer recently I've been meditating on 'the expansion of my heart'. I know it seems like such a broad topic - because it is. There is SO much God tells us about our hearts in His written word. From guarding it, to watering, it to expanding it, to stirring it. While reading Psalm 119 (one of my favorite passages of scripture...ever) the 32nd verse stood out to me: 

NLT : "I will pursue Your commands, for You expand my understanding." 

MSG : "I'll run the course You lay out for me, if You'll just show me how."

AMPC: "I will [not merely walk, but] run the way of Your commandments, when You give me a heart that is willing."

NASB: "I shall run the way of Your commandments, for You will enlarge my heart." 

KJV: "I will run the way of thy commandments, when thou shalt enlarge my heart."  

When spending quality time with someone you're not just giving of your time, but also your focus. Quality time is time spent in giving another person one's undivided attention in order to strengthen a relationship. In moments like this with God, He expands our understanding,  enlarges our hearts and the desires of our hearts become enlarged and enriched. Our hearts become willing. When we see things from His perspective, it expands our vision, and reassures us that with Him all things are possible. 

This morning scrolling through Instagram, I noticed a post that a friend of mine from college had posted a few days ago. The picture caught my eye, but the caption she had written intrigued the thoughts of my heart. She said: 

"Did you know the only reason we crave things like sweets is because they exist? The very reason we want them is because we've tasted and experienced them. What if our dreams are the same? What if the very reason you crave to do what you dream of doing is because it exists? Because it's possible..." -Kristen Weddle (@kristen_weddle) 

Her words really took flight in my heart. 

He is the only truth and reality - He is what makes us who we are. We are made in His image and in His like-ness. He is a God that creates. We are His creation - and like Him - we were made to create. What is it that you are drawn to? What are the things that wire you? The dreams inside of your heart? The relentless passions that keep you up and thinking at night? The things that maybe only you and God know about. You are unique, loved, and filled with the very breath of God; in His living and breathing word, your story finds purpose.

As I read the word, sit in His presence, and draw near to these times He begins painting on the canvas of my heart. In these close moments, His thoughts become mine, I understand who I am. 

John 15:5-8 (Mirror) : "I am the vine and you are the branches; it is the one who understands this mutual union that naturally bears much fruit - which is impossible to happen apart from me. Every area of human life that does not continue to be entwined in this place of seamlessness in me, was already cast forth where it has withered away and is gathered for firewood. My words find voice in you. With your abiding in me and my words abiding in you a conversation is inspired where you will request that which arises in your desire from our union and it shall come to pass for you! These union-inspired desires bear the very fruit that endorses the Father's glory! This is where true discipleship is born." 

I am learning that when unified to the vine, vision can be accomplished, dreams become reality, and life has purpose. 


Father, You are so loving, so full of kindness and goodness. Thank You for Your hand leading and guiding me. Thank you for giving me eyes that see and ears that hear, so that I can walk in all that you have for me. I know You see me right where I am, Your reassuring smile, and outstretched hand keep me on track. Keep my vision straight, I know when I look to You I won't fall off course. You lead me into still waters. Let no entrance of vanity or pride penetrate my heart, but fill me with Your roots of humility, and love. Expand my heart and my territory. Help me to not be distracted, looking to the right and left, but to be focused on You. Comparison is the key thief of joy. You constantly remind me of who I am. You help me be myself - and there's beauty in that - deep inner beauty that radiates from the inside out! Thank You for Your word! The entrance of it gives light! Thank You for being a personal God, who is after relationship and not religiosity or perfection. I love you.


I pray that in some way this touched your heart today and continues to make you think differently about your dreams and pursuits, how you look at yourself, and the value of others. This weekend perhaps spend some time journaling, sketching, or just sitting reading the word by a lit candle. There is so much depth to you! It's time to tap into it! 

With love, 

Lindsay Gregory